Melihat Spesifikasi Komputer

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Anda mungkinpernah mengalami kewalahan dalam melihat spesifikasi komputer yang anda miliki. Salah satu jalan yang bisa ditempuh adalah dengan membuka chasing komputer dan melihat satu persatu barang yang ada di dalamnya. atau dengan melihat di bois, tapi kadang kala tidak semua bios mnyediakan fasilitas tersebut.
Nah ada jalan lain untuk melihat spesifikasi kita, tanpa harus membuka atau

Mengkonversi format file video

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

Anda mungkin pernah punya masalah video / film anda tidak terbaca oleh player karena player anda tidak support terhadap file video anda. Atau anda ingin merubah format file film / video anda ke format lain sepeti MPEG, WMV, MP4, WAV, 3GP
Disini kita akan coba untuk mencari solusinya, cobalah langkah-langkah berikut ini
Download softwarenya DISINI

Setelah download, instalkan ke komputer anda dan

Mengembalikan file yang ter-hidden (ATTRIB)

File atau folder anda mungkin pernah disembunyikan atau ter-hidden yang disebabkan oleh virus, atau file tersebut sengaja disembunyikan dan anda kewalahan untuk mengembalikan file tersebut normal kembali.
Nah berikut ini trik untuk mengembalikan file dan folder tersebut ke posisi normal kembali

Pertama klik run dan ketik cmd
Anda sekarang berada di posisi c:\prompt

Pindahkan posisi ke drive

Convert video file formats

You may never have a problem video / movie you are not my player because the player does not support you on your video files. Or you want to change the file format film / video format you to another such as MPEG, WMV, MP4, WAV, 3GP
Here we will try to find a solution, try the following steps
Download the software HERE
Once downloaded, setup to your computer and do not forget to enter the cd key

Restore the file with hidden (attrib)

Your File or folder may have hidden or hidden caused by the virus, or the file was deliberately hidden and you are overwhelmed to restore the file back to its normal. following trick to restore the files and folders back to the normal position

First click run and type cmd

You are now in a position c: \ prompt

Move to the position of the drive where the file will be in normal. Suppose your

Remote Administrator

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Remote administrator adalah sebuah software untuk dapat melihat dan mengontrol komputer orang lain dari komputer anda melalui jaringan lokal. Jadi dengan menggunakan Radmin ini kita dapat melakukan apapun terhadap komputer orang lain dalam jaringan, seperti merubah konfigurasi, merubah nama file, membuat file atau folder baru maupun untuk mematikan komputer lain tersebut dari komputer kita.Radmin

Remote Admin

Remote administrator is a software to view and control another computer from your computer through the local network. Radmin so using this we can do anything against the other people in the computer network, such as changing the configuration, rename the file, create a new file or folder to turn off the computer and other computers from us. Radmin this support to the OS = 9x/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP/

Informasi DNS Server, IP address dan getway

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Pada zaman sekarang ini banyak sekali kantor-kantor dan perusahaan yang mempunyai koneksi internet. Biasanya setiap kantor/instansi tersebut menghubungkan komputer karyawannya ke internet melalui jaringan, baik kabel maupun wareless.

Jika di kantor anda telah memiliki jaringan dan terhubung ke internet, mungkin anda pernah mengalami masalah terputusnya hubungan komputer dengan internet,

The DNS server, IP address and getway

At the current time of many offices and companies that have an internet connection. Usually every office / agency employees are connecting computers to the Internet through the network, both cable and wareless.

If you have been in the office has a network and connect to the Internet, you may never have a problem with the dissolution computer internet connection, while the network (LAN) running

LAN (Local Area Network) For Beginners

Local area network connections is a computer with other computers in a particular space or building. Local area network with so we can share resources between a computer user to another user. In addition to sharing can also (shared use) document the work with other users. We can open a file or document without having to sit in front of the computer where the document is saved. In a word with the

Password open Excel and Word

Often to maintain the security of data and word excelnya, give someone the password file.
But we are also not uncommon to forget the password that we have entered, there was also a headache?.

But do not despair, there is now software that can be used to open it.
You can download directly here>> Download
or can be downloaded here

after downloading, sofwarenya need to install at

Accelerating Work PC

Windows XP has a visual effect, create a better view. but remember that this can affect the performance of your system
You can turn off or downloading a virtual setting effect, so that the performance system can better light.
The steps are as follows:
1. Right-click My Computer, choose Properties, click the tab advance.
2. click Settings under performance. performance dialogue box will appear.


Bios password is usually used to protect users Bios settings on the computer. If you want the password on Bios does not need to hard-hard-to mengkoneksikan bateray CMOSnya, with a few tricks on the dos you can password on the BIOS manufacturer.
First out of the window with me restart your computer, start the computer in MS-DOS mode, use the "Command Promt Only"
In the c: prompt, type: DEBUG .


Sometimes we create a password to log into XP. But also not uncommon to find that we forget the password we have created, or we may want to open / break the password of others. So here we will try for their password or it can also replace it with another password that we want. Next steps

1. Restart the computer and immediately go to the Save mode To enter into safe mode, usually by pressing the